I regularly give talks to university and public audiences, and speak with radio hosts and podcasters about the American Civil War, U.S. western history, the craft of writing and researching history, and other topics.

Radio and Podcast Interviews: Saving Yellowstone
- American History Hit
- Colorado Matters, Colorado Public Radio
- The Past, the Promise, the Presidency: Environmental Protection
- Civics 101: The First National Park
- The Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- Big Blend Radio
- Radio Free Galisteo (New Mexico)
- KRCL Radio (Park City, Utah)
- Here & There with Dave Marash
- The 500 Section Lounge
- Public Radio Tulsa
- Unsung History
- Historically Thinking
- Dan Snow’s History Hit
- T.J. Trout Show (Albuquerque, N.M.)
- New Books in Environmental History. New Books Network.
- The Alain Guillot Show
- The Curious Man Podcast
- The Todd Ortloff Show
- Axelbank Reports History and Today
- The Past, The Promise, the Presidency: The KKK Act and the Grant Administration
- Big if True: Yellowstone
- History’s Biggest Screwups: A Taxman Gets Lost in Yellowstone
- Ranger Chats on Reconstruction: Yellowstone National Park
Podcast Interviews: Writing History
Appearances as a Docuseries Expert
- “Theodore Roosevelt” (History Channel)
- “I Was There” (History Channel): Jesse James and The Assassination of Lincoln
- “Lincoln: Divided We Stand” (CNN)
Radio and Podcast Interviews: The Three-Cornered War

- The Rogue Historian
- Civil War Talk Radio
- New Books Network: Native American Studies
- History Unplugged
- Texas Standard
- Writing Westward
- Perspectives: KETP (El Paso, Tex.)
- Constant Wonder
- American Rambler
- Backstory
- Within the Realm
- Author Stories
- Civil War Book Review
- The Curious Man
- Kirby Wilbur Show (Seattle, Wash.)
- Here and There (Santa Fe, NM)
- Storey Time
TV and Livestream Talks about The Three-Cornered War:
- C-Span 2: BookTV (Concord Bookshop)
- A House Divided (Abraham Lincoln Bookshop, Chicago)
- Virtual Book Talk (March 29, 2020, 7:00 p.m. EST)
- Tattered Cover Bookstore Instagram Livestream (first 18 minutes, before the tech taketh away)
- The Clements Library (U of Michigan) Bookworm Livestream Conversation (April 17, 2020)
Filmed Lectures on other topics (American History TV, C-SPAN3) and Interviews:
- Native Americans in the Civil War (Western History Association Meeting, October 2018)
- “Harvard Sexism and ‘Locker Room Talk,'” The Take with Sue O’Connell (New England Cable News, November 9, 2016)
- Battle Logs: Visualizing the Destruction of Forests in the American Civil War (ALA 2015, San Francisco)
- Looking at Landscapes of War: The Ruins of Columbia, S.C. (February 2015)
- Ruins of Revenge: The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (June 2014)
- Guerrilla Warfare during the Civil War (October 2013). Virginians, be warned: I mispronounce “Mosby” throughout. My apologies.
- Images of the Dead at Antietam (June 2012)
Radio and Podcast Interviews:
- Talking with Ed O’Donnell about Mercy Street, In the Past Lane (2016)
- Interview with Liz Covart, Ben Franklin’s World (2016)
- Interview with Al Zambone, Historically Thinking (2015)
- Interview with David Silkenat, American History Untucked (2014)
- Interview with Gerald Prokopowicz, Civil War Talk Radio (2013)
- “The Sleeve Makes the Man,” interview with Ed Ayers, BackStory with the American History Guys (2012)