The Resistance Files: Submission Guidelines

If you would like to submit a piece for The Resistance Files, here are some guidelines:

Length:            500-1200 words (ish).

Topics:             Anything related to the actions of the current administration and resistance to it.

Style:                Historical, cultural, literary analyses; personal essays; listicles. Whatever gets your point across.

Please include:

  • Imbedded hyperlinks to online sources where appropriate.
  • 2-3 photographs, digitized illustrations, or GIFs to use in the post, and as a “featured image” for links on social media.
  • 2-3 sentence author bio, including hyperlinks and Twitter/Instagram handles if available.


I will act as editor and publisher of the piece. The author will retain the copyright.

Submit pieces to: or And thank you in advance for #writingtheresistance!


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